We are going to be talking about the strategies and systems I have put in place to support me in creating $100k months. This includes things like launching, selling, payment systems, and more. This is going to be a full insight on how I run my company, and how you can duplicate it and customize it to make it your own.
We are going to be talking about the energetics of not just having and holding $100k months, but the energy of feeling like you are WORTHY to receive. We are going to be talking about the masculine and feminine dynamics of business, and how shifting your energy to be open to receiving this goes deeper than just asking and thinking...
There will be a Q+A session after the training is complete so that you can get hot seat coaching, and get your specific questions answered!
We are closing our 2 hour workshop with a Money Spell we will complete together.
Andrea is an Intuitive Energy Alchemist & Wealth Activator. She guides leaders, healers, & light workers to step into their personal power, magic and massive impact. She created a multimillion empire and has helped women tap into their purpose, joy + scale from their first 6 figures to millions with ease and impact. She's the master of all things social media, scaling, profitability, money & mindset. She is an intuitive, a healer, and a conduit for your ascension.
50% Complete
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