In this workshop I’m pulling it all back

Here’s the deal.

I’ve dated many kings. ( and now im more than sure I found my forever but that’s besides the point 😏❤️)

I always make a joke that when I choose to intentionally date, I’m never on the market long ( I take time in between relationships to heal and fall in love with myself again )

I lined up 3 dates in a row and my now boyfriend was number 3 and I knew that night he was going to be it.

But this workshop I’m teaching from many many years of dating.

All the lessons put into 1 hour of pure fucking gold

I'm In!


Are you ready to tap into your Queen energy to become a match for your King? This workshop is a tell all - something that I have never done before...


1) I’m doing something I’ve never done before.
I will be pulling back the curtain, and reading you my dating profile. Exactly what it said and how I’ve called in so many great contenders to go on dates with. Creating clear boundaries, and setting expectations leads you to cleaner connections.
2) How do you interact with men online? Or in person? Who starts the convo. Who leads? What do I even say?!?!
Got you covered boo.
I’ll teach you just how to get to know a man while letting him take the lead and truly courting you.
If he isn’t paying date one he ain’t it.
And yes that might ruffle some feathers.
But REAL masculine men DESIRE to court you.

3). Okay I found a good man ( or men ) and I’m actively dating
How do I lock it down, baby??
Girl I’ve got all the secrets on how he will not only want to make it exclusive but make it OFFICIAL in no time.
No more waiting games.
No more wondering if he’s into you.

We are cutting right to the chase.

We are going into The 3 steps on how to get the man and the title of girlfriend.

If you are ready to call in YOUR king, this is for you...


This workshop is 1 hour long, with a training, and a Q+A at the end. You will receive instant access to the replay!



When you join, you will be sent an email with your log in link!

I'm IN!
I started as a dating coach back in 2019 and had a viral Twitter with 150k where I often gave love advice around the world.

I’ve since embodied myself on a deeper level and am ready to tell all on my journey of dating.
This workshop is for single women looking to find a man.
 But this is a true step by step of
How to call him in and get the title 😏
He won’t be able to stop thinking about you.

YOU ARE THE PRIZE, ready to start acting like it?
Get instant access now!

50% Complete

Two Step

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