Breaking the chains of your old money beliefs that are no longer serving you so you can ascend into the frequency of limitless wealth.



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When you think of your relationship with money - do you feel a ping of guilt, or worry. 

Are you tired of making money, just for it to be *poof*... gone somehow to unexpected payments.  

Are you ready to start not only setting money goals - but actually reaching them - no matter what level you are at. If you are manifesting Wealth in any way this year - your MONEY STORY is one of the most important things you can work on. 

 When it comes to quantum leaping your reality with Money - the healing work is the catalyst to calling in your wildest desires 

The wealth, the bank account of your dreams, spaciousness in your finances to be able to build generational wealth and change the lives of thousands, if not millions.

Everything changes when you go all in on yourself, and tap into the frequency of abundance that is ALWAYS available to you.

In this 2 hour workshop, I am guiding you through how to radically shift your relationship with money, and release anything no longer serving you so you can ascend into the frequency of LIMITLESS WEALTH. 

In this two hour experience, we go into:

△ A chord cutting, to release you from any ideas or energies that are holding you back from calling in your next level of wealth. 


△ Identifying what money is to you and shifting any triggers or chargers so you can become unstoppable having and holding it 


△ Realizing that money is a MIND game so if you shift your story around it you can shift everything △


△ Talking about some practical ways RIGHT NOW that you can master money and have and hold more △


△ Learn to transmute the old energy of lack and disconnection, into power and deep trust and knowing that this is all yours. 


△ A guided future self meditation to tap into them NOW. 


△ Inner mindset work around your money beliefs - and how now matter what you have seen or heard so far; you can always change your money story. 


△ Clarifying your new beliefs and desires around money, to become a clear channel for blessings and wealth. 


△ Quantum leaping timelines, and bringing the 5d into 3d so you can have & hold the money thats already destined to be yours. 


△ We close the workshop with a money spell we will complete together. 

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I know that you are ready to step into the next level frequency of Wealth. In this 2 hour experience, I share some of my most potent and powerful tools to quantum shift you into the reality where you get to have it all. 

We pull the 5-D to the 3-D to expand your frequency now, to call in wealth, abundance, and your wildest desires. Now. 

Hey! I'm Andrea Franco.

I’m an Intuitive Transformational Business Mentor for entrepreneurs, healers, and lightworkers to step into their soul’s true purpose.


I help you tap into your intuition and gifts while also giving you the actionable steps to achieve your financial and business goals. By guiding my clients to become an energetic match, they learn how to master calling in massive visibility, actual clarity on their soul's purpose, and limitless abundance and possibilities.

With my guidance, my clients, yes, have generated massive financial freedom but it goes so much deeper than that. They walk away with true healing. A renewed sense of personal power, and a deep connection to their intuition.

It’s time to go deeper than just the numbers game.

My clients are calling in things like double, triple, and even quadruple their income in just a few weeks of working together. We collapse the timeline. We make this easy by doing the real work together.

The work we do together is not surface level. When you fully commit to healing, and stepping into your next level, you unlock the ability to RECEIVE on the highest energetic level.

Three years ago, I was over $100k in debt.
My first full year in business, I had made $500k cash.
Today, I have made multiple millions in my coaching business.
Everything can change in a year.
You can change your money story.
You can change the way you use and protect your energy to give from a place of overflow rather than overwhelm.
You can find tools, support, modalities that support your ascension into the next level of your life and reality.
You can change the entire trajectory of your life.
Quantum leaping happens when you give the universe a full “Fuck Yes” to your next level.
This comes with an initiation. This comes with lessons, growth, shedding, celebrations and massive uplevels.

50% Complete

Two Step

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